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All these trackbikes....I dunno...But if you can't beat em?
--- Quote from: Andy J on November 09, 2007, 12:20:28 AM ---very nice indeed, now lets talk about something else [whistle] [rofl] [rofl]
so Dave when do you get a B1 Zx6 [whistle] maybe it's a Northern thing albeit it won't be happening here, I'll just watch you youngs uns and help with the piss taking :icon_thumright:
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[rofl] [rofl] yeah right :icon_thumright: more like a k4 600 or 750 [whistle]
Really , really wish I had kept my B1-H now :crybaby2:
* Mutters to himself and skulks off to see how much he can get for his 07 10R to get a track bike AND an older road bike *
--- Quote from: r1tastic on November 09, 2007, 12:43:25 AM ---For fooks sake another 1!
Website just for me and andy
count me in your number :occasion14:
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Andy J:
[rofl] @ Simple
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