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which end can then???

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oooooohhhh put your claws away  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

Andy J:
R1 does have a few good points there,

afterall it's your choice and it'd be sad if we all ran Black 05 10R's with Akra's, R&G's and Pazzo levers, good for you to be thinking of something different  :icon_thumright:


--- Quote from: GRNINJA on November 06, 2007, 09:15:43 PM ---oooooohhhh put your claws away  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

--- End quote ---
Nah you've missed the point Glenn,  would you change your seat if someone said it looked shit?

well unlike some i dont have the luxury of  a track bike :cry:

i have to get my thrills in other ways.

get the baffle out :shock: Andy j ive tried twice, its tighter than a nums quim.
broom handle in the other end and all, dont want to force it as i could damage it.

i like it any way so there :tongue3:

i think i'll alternate cans fortnightly, sad i know [rofl]

Andy J:
aye those baffles can be a bastard to get out but I'm sure someone on here will provide advice on how to remove it  :icon_thumright:

Alternate them , aye until you can't be arsed and sell the one you don't use as much as the other  :icon_thumright:


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