Gallery > Modification Gallery

which end can then???

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I vote for lopping a chunk off the Akra 'cos it's just waaaaayyyy toooooo long & then if it's the right diameter,maybe  fit it to the high-level pipework  :icon_thumright:

Stick with the akrapovic mate just put 1 on my R1 they are the muts nuts! Sell the high level for a profit and go buy some more bling!

i agree keep the akro they look class and dont cut it down unless you are wearing a burberry helmet !

Andy J:

--- Quote from: Mr.T on November 10, 2007, 07:50:09 PM ---i agree keep the akro they look class and dont cut it down unless you are wearing a burberry helmet !

--- End quote ---

 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

stick with the akra. the other one looks like it been made to fit from a V twin  [rofl]

(nothing sugar coated)


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