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Girl's shouldnt be on bikes! haha
If only she'd set up the suspension beforehand........ :lol:
--- Quote from: horse on October 22, 2007, 10:44:28 PM ---So Gabs is that how u hurt your hand???
--- End quote ---
Andy J:
a classic :icon_thumright: [rofl]
Thought the superman to forward roll was awesome 9.4, 8.6, 9.8,7.3 :icon_thumleft:
Very good, i agree though the missis rides but lacks confidence. about 12 years ago in my motor crosser days she insisted on a little kwak trials bike to ride around a local pit slag heap while me and a mate blasted around on crossers. One sunday she decided to follow me and said mate around so as we disapeard over a crest she opened it up to catch us, got to the crest where we disapeared about 20 feet to the right of were we went over to find she was airbourne big time. The crest was the top of a 50 foot deep 500 foot round crator, me and my mate would hit the side embankment and ride it to the bottom wife took the direct root and busted here leg.
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