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Garage Full of Ninja

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One of them will have to go to make room for a crosser

if you are donating then I would happily take the R1 off you hands  [whistle]

That's 100% staying where it is :lol: Most likely the 10 will make way, however it's a better 2 up and luggage hauling bike (read tourer)than the gixer so i dunno what i'll do yet

Andy J:
surely you can squeeze a crosser in there andy  [whistle]


--- Quote from: Andy J on October 14, 2007, 10:25:14 PM ---surely you can squeeze a crosser in there andy  [whistle]

--- End quote ---
Might have a chance if someone takes a big box full of race bodywork off my hands.

Keironnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! :lol:


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