General Category > Newbies Intro

hello all

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screw that people say the weather in England is crap but at least we don't get that cold.

Andy J:

--- Quote from: GRNINJA on December 05, 2006, 08:58:18 PM ---screw that people say the weather in England is crap but at least we don't get that cold.

--- End quote ---

Weather here is predictable and we are infamous for moaning about nothing.......bah humbug  [rofl]

2 pints of heavy:
it could be worse......when they send me to western canada to work....the place had a high of -25 today...welcome to the great white north...hahaha

I have a mate that lives in lethbridge alberta a couple of hours from calgary.... it get cold there..... :tongue3:

2 pints of heavy:
Fort Macmurray is about 9 hours north of Calgary or maybe more...the corner stores have plugs so you can plug your black heater in so your car don't i wish the company would sent me to europe to work.....i think they even have an office in the U.K......


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