smoking, reading a map, eating, loud music - all being frowned upon and given as driving 'distractions' upon which police can pounce...
so when do we become a nanny state then? and how are people supposed to do 'the knowledge'?
We started to become a nanny state in the early eightys.
So we cant call a spade a spade cos we are sooooo pc correct.
We cant play conkers cos we might give each other bruised fingers.
Anyone who pursues a Dangerous activitie is frowned apon as they may hurt themselves and have to use the Emergency services they have been paying into for years.
When Teachers in Schools started having Non conpetative sports and sports days.
When you can no longer Video your kids in a game or School play as you are braching one right or another, or your a Paedo.
We cant express an honest opinion on the state of the Country as to do so would mean you are a Racist.
You cant fly a Union Jack cos a Council peep will see it as a political statement, but it`s ok to fly another Countrys.
Iam sure this list can be added to, but do not wish continue as am depressed enough after writing this
Wheres that video of the Sweeny, now that was a good time to live...pass the Stella