Gallery > Modification Gallery

bit of bling

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nice mods, i have similar on mine,

still have to fit the K&N, p.c, velocity stacks and rear wave disc.
over the winter :icon_thumleft:
rearsets next then thats IT.

after that petrol and tyres.

i dont tell her indoors what i spend, but i do have this;

a special secret bank account that i put a few bob in now and then.
this is used to purchase fine gifts for her or bring her out etc.
usualy after ive brought summit for the bike :icon_thumleft:
 it goes like this, one set rearsets = new shoes and handbag.
if you play the game it makes you feel better.

im not PUSSY WHIPPED  :whip2: :whip2:  just fair :icon_thumleft:


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