General Category > Newbies Intro
Hello from me
Hi just thought I was say hello and welcome to all that want to join please come and sign up. feel free to post and help get zx10r on its way . ;D
well its me.....but you knew that :o
Hey thanks for signing up its nice to get it going.. really appriciate the support... 8)
Glenn, you should have the link in your sig on the MCN site, any zx10 owners might pop in :wink:
--- Quote from: NICOLA on September 25, 2006, 11:07:16 AM ---Glenn, you should have the link in your sig on the MCN site, any zx10 owners might pop in :wink:
--- End quote ---
hmmmm good Idea. though its not just for zx10r owners so all welcome.
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