Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all

Evotech Tail tidy

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Fitted an Evotech tail tidy to my Bike today and what a difference...does away with the plastic side pods around the exhaust and shows off more of my lovely Akky Can...which can only be a good thing...makes the Bike lighter looking and Race Bike like at the back too....all in all a result.... ;D


--- Quote from: Alzo636 on October 07, 2006, 09:30:40 PM ---Fitted an Evotech tail tidy to my Bike today and what a difference...does away with the plastic side pods around the exhaust and shows off more of my lovely Akky Can...which can only be a good thing...makes the Bike lighter looking and Race Bike like at the back too....all in all a result.... ;D

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MandP sold me the rsend one that was incorrect for the bike so I ended up bodging it. looked a bit poor but better than stadard..

Andy J:
now you can dump those rear pegs  ::)


--- Quote from: Andy J on October 07, 2006, 09:56:42 PM ---now you can dump those rear pegs  ::)

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I don't have the 6 anymore ;-)

Andy J:
ooops, looks like my 4th can of Cains FA is working a treat tonight  [rofl]


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