General Category > Newbies Intro

Hi all

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--- Quote from: Scratcher on November 09, 2006, 06:02:18 PM ---lots of police on the m18 around there. i was stopped on mine for a 'dodgy' plate and had to have a lecture in a nice t5 . issued me with a rectification notice. cheers maam (tried to bribe her with sex but she wasnt havin any of it)  [rofl]

--- End quote ---
[clap] [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

Hi Holey here is there any one from my way in Yorkshire, or in the West Midlands area where i work ??? :tongue3:

check out the tell your forum buddies where you from post in general waffle and that should say.. :icon_thumright:

Heres a couple of pics of my R1 that i sold for the 10R :headbang: B-)

Andy J:
I alwys like the rear design on those but couldn't afford one........ nice reg plate  :icon_thumright:


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