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My 10
mr ninja:
Here is my trusty steed!
Andy J:
lovely :icon_thumright:
very nice indeed....
how loud is the racefit can then ;-)
They look and sound the business. Saw some at the NEC and had to force myself away from them. Who invented the db meter anyway and does anyone know where they live? [whistle]
mr ninja:
--- Quote from: GRNINJA on November 09, 2006, 12:49:10 PM ---very nice indeed....
how loud is the racefit can then ;-)
--- End quote ---
It pushes well over 108+ decibels @ 11,000 RPM! :shock:
I can't stop my mates laughing when we pull up somewhere. It sounds, feckin awesome, there isn't a pipe like it and I say if you're gonna fit a ilegal Yoshi, Akra, or devil, why don't peeps get a proper ilegal pipe!
Run on the dyno I got a increase of 9.7 BHP at the rear running with a power commander 3, it realy kicks the power up and sounds like a GP bike. The other good news is, I have never been stopped by the police in over a year.
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