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Biker Babe in the making

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Well after takin my new better half  on the back of my old blade she finally took the plunge and got on the R1 after sayin she would never get on another bike with me again! A very proud moment for me! Only thing is now she wont get off!   :icon_thumleft:

Some weeding to be done there Si!!....  [whistle]


--- Quote from: zxyogi on August 08, 2007, 06:02:47 AM ---Some weeding to be done there Si!!....  [whistle]

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I find that weed and bikes don't work so well together  [whistle]

 [rofl] Never thought of that! +bhp Broet   [whistle]


--- Quote from: r1tastic on August 08, 2007, 02:48:43 AM ---Well after takin my new better half  on the back of my old blade she finally took the plunge and got on the R1 after sayin she would never get on another bike with me again! A very proud moment for me! Only thing is now she wont get off!   :icon_thumleft:

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cool dude! now send er my way an we'll av er on a bike of er own faster than u can say supergirl :) serious...


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