Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all

Power Commander

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Well that answers my question then,,, I'll not bother getting  a power  commander for Alzo's 636 then......

Ha Ha Ha Ha like it..... Mate if you have money to burn do it.... I am sure you can get some crazy map that will give you silly burst of power....... thumbu


--- Quote from: GRNINJA on October 11, 2006, 08:50:00 PM ---Ha Ha Ha Ha like it..... Mate if you have money to burn do it.... I am sure you can get some crazy map that will give you silly burst of power....... thumbu

--- End quote ---

TBH,, even after coming off of the blade and on to the 636,, I'm happy with the power of  it.... Its the way i like to corner low gears/ high revs with the engine screaming just so I can fire out of the bends and corners with the front going a little light....

Anyone who has seen me ride knows what i mean...  :emb:

Andy J:
how i love wheelies too  :emb:

I would like to wheelie more if I weren't worried about flipping the beast...... I wanna old streetfight to practice on as I haven't really mastered the riding wheelie yet.

Just getting her up smoothly is a task in its self for someone as hamfisted as me pmsl [rofl]


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