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On board footage...

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zx10r bob:
This is my first test film with the archos player and bullet cam,quite happy at the results so far..............

have a look ........................ :icon_thumright:

not sure there is any point in having sound it hurts ya ears all that wind but the footage is cool buddy, would be better from the normal angle i.e fromt the screen  :icon_thumright: :headbang:

Andy J:
nice one Bob  :icon_thumright:

I need one of those now  :crybaby2:

zx10r bob:
yea im just trying differant places at the mo,gona allso put a baffle over the mic in let,this should help with the image stabling also..................just looking for a small tank mount as will speak...........iv seen one that bolts on to the petrol filler bolts........................this should give some head up shots,and also im going to try with mounting it on the side of my lid............................. :headbang:

is there no way you can hide it next to the speedo somewhere .. is it a bullet cam nothing worse than having to worry about getting pulled over and nicked with you own footage  :-(


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