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Best films ever? my top ten!
[rofl] .....I'll bring my camcorder and we could do our very own one Gab!! :lol:
you lech [rofl]
--- Quote from: zxyogi on July 28, 2007, 09:42:03 PM --- [rofl] .....I'll bring my camcorder and we could do our very own one Gab!! :lol:
--- End quote ---
Ticket, get ya tickets [rofl] [rofl]
Andy J:
[rofl] [rofl]
Tough one, in no order
Garden State
Gangs of New York
Die Hard
Matrix Trilogy
Transformers the Movie (the original) [rofl]
James Bond - all of them are amazing but for the lists sake I'll choose "You only live Twice" (sort of my favourite)
Kill Bill Vol 1+2
Pulp Fiction
Romeo & Juliet (maybe a bit gay but I think it's a mega film best example of modern take on an old story for me)
Spiderman Trilogy
If you asked me again in a months time I probably wouldn't come up with the same list, choosing a top 10 is very hard.
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