General Category > Have a laugh in 'ere
No Smoking Legislation
Totally agree Bud!!! Toatally agree!!!
and I know what its like from both side because I have smoked... :-/
zxyogi: i have never smoked...My Ma & Pa put me off smoking when i was a Kid,they were chain smokers and i always remember being cooped up in my Pa's VW Beetle not being able to see for the smog,FooK knows what damage that may have done to my lungs all the time i was living at Home!!
my mum smoked and I hated it... thien I left home smoked for 6 years I have now given up since oct 2003 think I have done well many people don't stick to giving up ... my mums been trying for 20 years
I quit, I was a pack opf camel aday and just stopped.
What makes me laugh is that if you have a tradesman come to do some work in your house ie plumber, chippy what ever, you can't smoke while they're there or if a care worker is going to come round you have to not smoke for two hours before hand and open windows to air the place. :dontknow:
But you can still do drugs while they're there or drink. [rofl] or lock your kids in a toilet. [naughty]
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