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Nurburgring ZX10R vs CLK DTM

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The 10 backs off at a couple of points so i think he is trying to shoot a video of the CLK rather than racing it.  Does well though considering how brutal the ring is on bikes.

good watch I have seen it before... but fuck me did he take his time over taking the car  :tongue3:

 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


.... I've done a lap o that place..... 'kin unreal.... not quite as quick as that, but we beat the tour bus ( yes there are tour buses on the circuit ! )  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


--- Quote from: Gizmocities on July 05, 2007, 05:31:38 PM ---

The 10 backs off at a couple of points so i think he is trying to shoot a video of the CLK rather than racing it. 
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my guess is that he just didn't wanna push to try and pass in an area that he wasn't able to cleanly pass in. so he backed out, just as a bit of courtesy as to not run up on the CLK's ass.


--- Quote from: zx10dencies on September 15, 2007, 05:49:53 AM ---
--- Quote from: Gizmocities on July 05, 2007, 05:31:38 PM ---

The 10 backs off at a couple of points so i think he is trying to shoot a video of the CLK rather than racing it. 
--- End quote ---
my guess is that he just didn't wanna push to try and pass in an area that he wasn't able to cleanly pass in. so he backed out, just as a bit of courtesy as to not run up on the CLK's ass.

--- End quote ---

yeah i kinda agree. to me just looks like he was fixated on keeping up with him, not overtaking him. there were ample clean places to overtake which he could have done, but its easy to switch off when youre following something and i think thats why it took him so long. this is something ive learnt this year, big style. i had big problems transferring from track day/road rider on track. all your riding/driving life, you are taught to accommodate other drivers/riders by anticipating them. its a different thing to ignore that and constantly be looking for the spaces they leave rather than the space they take up.

just dont know if it was intentional or not. id say not. seems like an experienced track dayer to me, not a racer. a racer would naturally sit in the overtaking positions, even if he didnt use them. this guy didnt.

my 2p  [whistle]


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