Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all
This is a bit of a rare one B-)
Looks a cool bike B-)
One of those bikes that never became the sum of all it's parts. Dodgy fuelling lets it down badly, unsurprising considering it uses an sp2 motor and honda pg fi
I have read a few reports on them and I thought that they had managed to get the SP's dodgy fuelling sorted on this bike :roll:
Still a very cool bike.
Not something for everyday use though, poss a nice day once in a blue moon type of bike.
I wonder if the value will go up if it was kept for years and years.
dodgy fuelling was sorted for the sp2
sp1 engine was used for this bike, i think.. fuelling wasn't perfect, many sp1 owners fitted power commanders.
the dials on this monidal are from an sp too.
Well they did try and soret the fuelling, the sp2 was better but by no means perfect. It has bigger throttle bodies and shower form injectors and drinks fule like it's going out of fashion.
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