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--- Quote from: horse on June 24, 2007, 10:31:58 PM ---
--- Quote from: GRNINJA on June 24, 2007, 07:23:59 PM ---there you go

have a bhp

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Beat me too it! that was what I was about suggest.....................nice crappy brake line!!

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crappy brake line eh, i dont use the back brake so there :tongue3: :pottytrain2:

i suppose if i said i have a Giraffe you would  say you have a box to put it in!
i have a full set of hel lines to fit but just aint got round to doing it yet [whistle]

Why SlapKnacker, do you need a box for your Giraffe ?  :icon_scratch:


--- Quote from: Shongololo on June 24, 2007, 10:49:18 PM ---Why SlapKnacker, do you need a box for your Giraffe ?  :icon_scratch:

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Yes why??

I don't have one. Sorry


--- Quote from: Shongololo on June 24, 2007, 10:49:18 PM ---Why SlapKnacker, do you need a box for your Giraffe ?  :icon_scratch:

--- End quote ---

was only a joke, Horse said he was about to suggest it but i beat him to it. :tongue3:

so you know when someone says they can ( for example  ) drink 10 cans of lager in an hour,
some one else says they can drink  20, so if i say i have a giraffe, some one will say , oh ive a box that a giraffe can go in!

i hope that clears it up guys, ok?


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