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New Bike

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zx10r bob:
nice one matey,is she the 6,or the seven and a half or the full flavor thou??????


750 Bob  :icon_thumright:

Andy J:
Very nice Andy  :icon_thumright:


did you get a free shell suit with it  [whistle]  well come on you expected some piss taking and everyone else was being so nice  [whistle]

zx10r bob:
very nice in deed, i would defo go 750/800 when the big K make one,best off both worlds in my mind :icon_thumright:

Been out and put 200 miles on it tonight. Cant say much about the engine yet as stuck to approx 6k revs until the first oil change. The chassis is sublime though. Suspension is taught but is well damped and doesn't buck you out of the seat on bumpy A roads :D Steering is fantastic, goes exactly where you want to put the bike. So far so good :D


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