I say ride defensively, dont trust other road users ( Even those you ride with ) and know the unexpected can happen. There is no need to give up bikes unless you really feel that is best, but enjoy them. Drive sensibly and keep your distance and when the road is clear and you can see there are no potential hazzards then go for it.
My Crash changed the way i drive completly, and it was another member of my group that caused my crash. I still drive in a group but i keep my distance. I still drive full throtle, but only when i can see there is no danger. I think the track is a good idea too, as we ofetn have too much testosterone, and the track can use some up!
I am not saying i will never have another crash, but i can minimise the risks and still have fun!
Oh. One last point and a piece of advise to those who do not do this. Practise emergency stops, and practise them regularly. Dont rely on an incident to test you.
Be safe and keep her rubber side down.