General Category > Have a laugh in 'ere

As I'm always good to lighten the mood here is my motor

(1/4) > >>

Andy J:

all stickered up, my lovely Focus ST all spoiled Baaaaaaaaaawwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  :crybaby2:

'let the piss taking commence'  [whistle] [rofl]

Its . . . um . . . its . . .  not too bad  [rofl]  Looks nicely done.  I wouldn't fancy driving around in it though.  But it is a brilliant idea for the new business - good luck with it  :icon_thumright:

Andy J:
I really don't mind driving it at all, makes me laugh  [rofl] [rofl]

Aye, it'll bring the trade in , I hope  :icon_thumright:

Psssttttttttt wanna buy some flowers  [whistle]          [rofl]

I reckon you should have re-sprayed it pink - would definately have got noticed then  [rofl]

I'll keep you in mind when I next need flowers  :icon_thumright:

Andy J:
Oy, don't start the pink thing, I've only just got over it  [whistle]

Unfortunately we are restricted to the Chester area to 20 miles away as we are deliveing, well we have to start somewhere , soon we'll take over the world and will deliver to the moon though  :headbang:


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