General Category > General waffle in here
What with Andy J away......
I think I'll be missing the latest mod updates to his ten, might have to do the usually daily ebay check for him see if there can be a bargain to make him jealous when his back ;-)
Andy J:
Ha Ha...............been working on the car all bloody night....I'm not away yet 'me ole china'............ no mods to report that's it for now anyhow............
Well maybe soem track bosywork and some rearsets and and and .............. nah I'm skint now so that's it for ages :crybaby2:
Come on Glenn lets see your mods :tongue2: get buying, you know you want to :tongue3:
I have stuck a few in the mods gallery :icon_thumright:
Andy J:
aye, looks good too :icon_thumright: nothing wrong with that G force can either it's a nice change from an Acra :occasion14:
still would prefer the stubby evo2 akky
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