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2 Minutes after accident!!

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.... so was it a sorry mate ! I'm a complete fukin nob ! I didn't look !!! .......   :angry9: :angry9: :angry9: :angry9: :angry9: :angry9:

get that horse out of the road b4 another 10 comes along..................... [rofl]


--- Quote from: KEIRON10R on June 10, 2007, 07:47:38 PM ---get that horse out of the road b4 another 10 comes along..................... [rofl]

--- End quote ---


Would you all stop bloody crashing please.......I've only been on the forum about 3 weeks and it seems someone lobs it every other day!  :shock:  .......every time i get on my bike i think about the last pics of a wrecked bike i've seen on here......... , I don't need your disaster photo's ruining the zen like riding tranquility in my normally blissfully empty head.......

I'm taking the duke to Assen at the end of the month.......she's just had a new rear tyre and is locked in "quarantine" in the garage for fear of getting nerfed off by some old tw*t just before the trip........

So no more crashes please anyone........right nuff said   [rofl]

sorry buddy but its the same 3 crashes we just keep going on about it  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


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