Gallery > Gallery

Here she is again

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tron rather than double posting cause you have upload the images in the gallery you can now cross link them.... when you upload them in the gallery they are stored on my server so when you upload them again it takes up double the storage so mean I will need to look for a bigger disc quicker  :-O

so what you need to do is go to the gallery click on the image you want to cross link and then right click on it... then view the properties and it will tell you where the image link location is..... copy this and it will look like this

then you need to click the image nect to the red swirly thing that will then look like this [ img][/img ]

then paste in the link in between like this 
[ img][/img ]

it will then come out like this

enjoy  :icon_thumright:

No probs like i said im special needs :tongue3:  thanks for informing though, these computer things are all new to me only just come off the slate and charcoal.

no worries mate ... just passing on the knowledge  :icon_thumright: I am not greedy see , I don't horde it  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

Andy J:
made me laugh on 'then it will come out like this' though G   [whistle] as for m it's a box with a red cross in it   [rofl]

its only you though andy its you crappy work system  [rofl]


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