General Category > Newbies Intro

New member.

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Hi all. New member joined to say hello and learn.
Based in Ipswich, 48 years old.
3 weeks ago I picked up a 2015 30th anniversary edition with 7500 miles on. Always wanted a ninja, moved from a k2 GSXR 1000 that I had 6 years ago!
So far done a R&G tail tidy, scorpion exhaust, R&G crash bungs and a really good clean.
Can some just tell me standard teeth on sprockets?

Welcome buddie, post up pictures of the girl then :tongue3: Answering your question, 17-39 525 pitch  :icon_thumleft:


--- Quote from: michael4012 on May 16, 2022, 06:42:10 PM ---Welcome buddie, post up pictures of the girl then :tongue3: Answering your question, 17-39 525 pitch  :icon_thumleft:

--- End quote ---

Welcome in buddy standard is 17 front 39 rear

They are very tall as standard and makes the bike a bit unusable if you go on track

I recommend -1 front +1 rear for a nice happy medium for smaller tracks +2 or even +3

If you ride road only then -1 front or plus 3 rear would suffice

Thanks guys, and that’s good news. As. When I was giving the chain and sprockets a good clean I counted and right now I have a 16 front, 39 rear. I wondered because the front has lifted when I gave her some beans, not very high because I was being careful as not ever had this much bhp!

 :-P Enjoy  :icon_thumright:


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