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Roosters Mods
--- Quote from: Rooster on May 29, 2007, 08:47:52 PM --- ill leave it there not having much luck on more than one piccy never mind cheers :occasion14:
--- End quote ---
Rooster,where did you get the screen graphic done?
Hi zxyogi
tried posting link but as usual no joy :crybaby2:
its of ebay if you put zx10r decals under the parts and accesories the name of the seller your after is rush 41 red and its on page three of his products any flag if wanted and he will send you a draft image also hope this helps :icon_thumright:
Andy J:
to post the link is real easy Mick, just copy it from the toolbar and into your message. I have bought graphics from the same guy but didn't see nice ones like yours anywhere so I'm a bit lost :-(
if anyone wants to Pm the guy maybe just follow this link
Nice bike you have there rooster :icon_thumleft:
Cheers for coments :icon_thumright:just need good tyres and hoses and maybe different brake pads dont like to admit it but braking on my 05 zx10r was a lot sharper ,still does the job but feels a lot softer, or is this due to the softer front suspension travelling a lot more freely who knows as long as it stops!! :occasion14:
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