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ZX10R rebuid
[rofl]@ Andy
Andy J:
it looks nice to me , who cares if it's a Yamaha design, just do it :occasion14:
--- Quote from: zxyogi on May 29, 2007, 10:55:20 AM ---I like the scheme!!
But i wouldnt like the idea of peeps saying..."Ere thats a Yammy paint job on a Kwaka!" :dontknow:
--- End quote ---
replica paint jobs are for a reason, but like yogi says, you could reverse the stripes, change the colours and even the stripe pattern to make your own design :icon_thumright:
it is a nice paint job, but for yams not kwacks. :dontknow:
andy look up the ama series am 90% sure one of the kawasaki teams in 04/05 ran a blue zx10r :icon_thumleft:
What about a ZX-rr rep but switch the green for blue??
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