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New Server now live
Hi Everyone
so i recently changed jobs and the server that has been running this is still currently hosted in my old works datacentre which will soon move, due to the huge cost of colocation these days I cannot afford to keep this server in a data centre... I thought about hosting it on my dual fibre lines at home but the server is noisy and well would just not be very homely.
I have there fore migrated the site to a VPServer and so the site although not as active as it used to be will live on for more years to come
Merry Xmas to you all from me your server Administrator
Nicely done G :icon_thumright:
Thanks for still hosting and looking after this server.
Merry Christmas to you too
Merry xmas fellas.
Thanks GRNINJA for keeping it going :occasion14:
Nice one mate, forums are a dying breed but there's still some people who appreciate this one. Many thanks GRNINJA.
You're all most welcome , wouldn't of had so many awesome years riding if it wasn't for this forum
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