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ZX10R Parts/Accessories, Mainly Gen 3

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--- Quote from: Jak on June 03, 2016, 09:03:04 AM ---Re-upholstered, so thinner than stock. I found it OK and better than lowering ride height

--- End quote ---
For that price il have it off you mate where are you in the country?

St Agnes, Cornwall

You will see from the pics that the staples have marked the cover slightly. This is due to the lack of depth. I used some Mole grips to flatten the ends and stop it marking, but I will also let you have a spare cover

The seat was for a 6R, but its identical to the 10R and I had it fitted to my 2010 10R

I'd have to check what it would cost to post, unless you fancy a nice ride down to the sun!

(I have other stuff for this bike, the Stator cover is brand new)

Its something i can do something with, but to me its not worth more than £15.00 including postage.

No worries mate  :-S


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