Only a matter of time before we will have every move we make monitored.
We are caught on camera on average around 300 times a day, what with the trialling of that little camera in the sky and now even chief's of Police saying that it's getting out of hand when will it stop? When will the government of the day realise that enough is enough. I don't remember ever signing my consent to be monitored in such a way, so why should we have to put up with it.
I think that an uprising will be on it's way and we'll be living in a world of Mad Max and the like and I definately think it will happen in my life time.
Where are the bobby's on the beat, where are the squad cars catching the people who run without TAX, MOT and Insurance. Will a camera catch someone who is under the influence driving or riding. No they can't do it, so why not put the toys away and get real coppers back on the roads.
Hi viz deterent is what is needed not stealth like criminal makers like the Scamera units.