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Speeding on German Autobahn
Sorry mate this one ships in Europe :icon_thumright:
Tom Kouwenberg:
Hi Michael
Got the showplate today, looks good, as soon as I get my old zx10r back from the dealer I will fit it, see if i can get away with it....
Regards, Tom.
--- Quote from: Tom Kouwenberg on March 08, 2016, 06:59:38 PM ---Hi Michael
Got the showplate today, looks good, as soon as I get my old zx10r back from the dealer I will fit it, see if i can get away with it....
Good im glad your happy mate The Dutch Police can be arseholes though mate [rofl] [rofl]
Regards, Tom.
--- End quote ---
Tom Kouwenberg:
Hi Michael
I only ride 45 km in the Netherlands, that's the distance to the German border, I''ll take my original plate with me, than when stopped and fined, at least I can ride on....
cheers, Tom.
Tom Kouwenberg:
Here a comparison 2004 against 2016 ZX10R power, my skills are not good enough to overlay the 2, so I put the 2004 powercurve in by hand, but you can see how strong it is in low and midrange....
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