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Speeding on German Autobahn
Tom Kouwenberg:
I bought a cheap gopro clone a few months ago, stuck on a tripod on the tank, and made this video, I am lucky to live partly in the Netherlands and partly in Germany.....
regards, Tom.
I know what that like :icon_thumright: ,My gen3 could whoop you though :headbang: [rofl] [rofl] shes done a 194 on GPS :pottytrain2:
Tom Kouwenberg:
This was just a testrun, on the 1 gen ZX10R my top speed on clock was 299 (it goes not over that number) and revs were still going up, with the gopro clone on the tripod i was unable to get my head down and too much traffic. Anyway I had fun doing it, I hope the new ZX10R 2016 will be as quick and as much fun to ride, can't wait...
here some very old stuff, the first real fast roadbike!
Yes mate i go out to Germany several times a year, the riding is so much better, & of course the Autobahns to, i like the E31 area i cross over on the E30 by Enscode. The clock on mine when it reaches 189mph, the speed on satnav-gps is 173mph, its starange watching the revs continue to climb but the speedo stuck at 189mph.
--- Quote from: michael4012 on November 19, 2015, 11:16:30 AM ---Yes mate i go out to Germany several times a year, the riding is so much better, & of course the Autobahns to, i like the E31 area i cross over on the E30 by Enscode. The clock on mine when it reaches 189mph, the speed on satnav-gps is 173mph, its starange watching the revs continue to climb but the speedo stuck at 189mph.
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