Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all
Next year new bike ?
I spoke to a guy with a 1299 the other day. Its obviously awsome on track but do you realise if you stop in traffic you get cooked by the rear cylinder .
Even though its got heat sheilds that 1199 didnt have.
In summer its unbareable apparently.
Nice looking bike though.
--- Quote from: Sissymc7 on October 11, 2015, 05:23:31 PM ---I had a 1199 heavily modded , had its faults but loved riding it , the zx handles supreme love it but has to be ridden hard to make me smile . Hopefully the 1299 got shit loads bottom end keep u posted if like it be a cheap zx 6 month old with 12 k on and plenty mods to sell wheels suspension exhaust etc
--- End quote ---
Well i dont reckon 1299 has much hope against the Gen5 when you compare the real world difference between the 1199 & Gen4 :icon_thumright:
I forgot to add keep watching after the burn off for the Gen5 inside peak :icon_thumright:
Both great street bikes enjoyed both of them .
So the new R1 including the R1M are to be recalled for gearbox work :shock: It's a engine case split for those meaning it'll be costing Yamaha loads a dosh & I expect a few problems afterwards with the bikes too :pottytrain2:
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