Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all

Next year new bike ?

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The new 10r is going to have to be something special to better the R1 which is an impressive bike with an amazing spec sheet.

I think the R1 has just gone favourite, had a quick play on one today well I didn't expect it to be that good,

WOW.   [clap]

 [rofl] I truthfully beleive the new 10 is a game changer but it will as costly as the rest + not the bargain it is now.


--- Quote from: Chappo on September 27, 2015, 04:39:08 PM ---I think the R1 has just gone favourite, had a quick play on one today well I didn't expect it to be that good,

WOW.   [clap]

--- End quote ---

I take it you find it better than your heavily modified 10 then.

Where was it better than the ten ?


--- Quote from: BladeRR8 on September 27, 2015, 06:28:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: Chappo on September 27, 2015, 04:39:08 PM ---I think the R1 has just gone favourite, had a quick play on one today well I didn't expect it to be that good,

WOW.   [clap]

--- End quote ---

I take it you find it better than your heavily modified 19 then.

Where was it better than the ten ?

--- End quote ---

It's like a 600 on anabolic steroids lol
Very light nimble and the noise from the Akra can is insane, it did feel quicker than my ten even in standard form, standard QS is good and the box is smooth, couldn't find a fault

Very impressed mate  :icon_thumright:


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