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Ohlins damper Acumen gear indicator

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I like the sweatbands so im in the minority i guess but they are there for a purpose aswell as looking different. Ive got one on my bike but its a bit different to that one.


--- Quote from: Jon177 on October 26, 2006, 10:01:54 PM ---I like the sweatbands so im in the minority i guess but they are there for a purpose aswell as looking different. Ive got one on my bike but its a bit different to that one.

--- End quote ---

what is the purpose of them ???

Any leaks on the fluid pot and the sweatband will soak it up,so not to get on to your precious paintwork. Nearly every race bike has them on. Fast bikes magazine has a free one attached this month if you want to see how they look for nothing.

Andy J:
aye there's always fluid spilling from mine  [whistle]

I though that they were for wiping your brow when you're ina racing crouch  [rofl]

Ok so if you ride a road bike and maybe take the lid off you fluid pot once a year, you may not get a drop of fluid anywhere but if its a race bike that may need work on the brakes quite alot then its easy to see why they have them. If you get any fluid in the cap and put it back on, it will seep down through the threads and blow everywhere in the wind, as i found out :emb:


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