General Category > General waffle in here

forums are quiet atm

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is it me or is the day of the forum passed, im on a few and the general interest in forums is low i think, imo i thinks facebook has ruined them. with all the user groups on there and you can keep in touch with friends and family aswell as keeping up with gos on the bike scene all on one platform.
what you think..

People will always look into other people's posts threads and don't comment, that's why the forums seems quiet because no new stuff has been posted,

Then you get other people posting shit in other peoples thread,s ~ posts which in turn also puts people off posting lol

If everyone posted something every time they went into a new topic then it would be a better place for all. ( not so quiet )  :pottytrain2:

I'm on many forums and some, if you don't go on there for a day you have to scroll through pages of content to catch up, you could go a week on here and it would take 5 mins to catch up,lol  [rofl]

Watch how many views this topic will get compared to how many people will actually post,

Its summer, everyone's out riding!!

I do agree quite a few forums I go on are quite but maybe people are just out riding.

Totally agree though the browsers could contribute a little more and then there would be more for everyone to read, a win win as they say.

kwaka jack:
The 2 main forums I go on (piston heads and detailing world) are still very busy but I do agree with you that Facebook has ruined the smaller internet forums. I started to notice this a while back. One forum I go on, there has been nothing posted in one section since March  :icon_scratch:


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