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Motografix decal kit

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Just a few pictures of the bike with the new Motografix decal kit fitted. I'm really happy with the way it looks, it breaks up the all the white a bit, covers some of the plain black plastic and adds a touch more of the Kawasaki Green.

Never been a big fan of the moto grafix stuff always thought they make the bike look cheap-ish

But they don't look to bad on a white bike,  :icon_thumright:

Looks great did you get that tank graphics ?

thats lovely mate :tongue2:


--- Quote from: Sissymc7 on May 31, 2015, 06:08:06 AM ---Looks great did you get that tank graphics ?

--- End quote ---

 No, I already have stomp grip on the tank and a Motografix tank pad.


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