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car MOt's have moved on haven't they
Andy J:
watched our saxo tortured today for 40 mins as the MOT is almost due , jeeeeeesus they get a good going over these days don't they :shock:
bloody thing failed too :crybaby2: just a prob with the front brakes pulling to one side doh......... brakes are now on it but I pissed about with it tonight and the pads on one side look contaminated so I'll throw some new ones on tomorrow night and we'' see how that does for it........
I hate working on cars..........I hate working on cars...........I hate working on cars...........I hate working on cars...........I hate working on cars...........I hate working on cars...........I hate working on cars...........I hate working on cars...........I hate working on cars...........I hate working on cars........... :boxing:
Buy yaself a beemer The guy who does my MOT's says the beemers never fail for anything... the most common fail for a beemer if tires :tongue3:
Andy J:
think the Saxo is being replaced with a VW Beetle next year, Diane wants one and I get my company car back then too :icon_thumright:,
My wife has a brand new 06 beetle convertable... nice car now power what so ever everything else works great though :tongue3:
Andy J:
--- Quote from: GRNINJA on October 25, 2006, 07:04:43 PM ---My wife has a brand new 06 beetle convertable... nice car now power what so ever everything else works great though :tongue3:
--- End quote ---
you pair have far too much money :pottytrain2:
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