Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all
powder coating gilles rearsets
can anyone see any problems in having my gilles rearsets powder coated, i have gold ones and dont like em so im thinking of getting em powder coated satin black, will i have any problems that you can think off, i know ill have to run a tap down the threads but am i missing owt else..cheers
What's it going to cost you to get them powder coated mate,
about £24 i think, im going to get the link bar and lever done at the same time. place in castleford really good did my wheels and bits and bobs on old bike...
That's pretty good I thought they would be more than that, :icon_thumright:
You know if you don't like the gold anodising you can strip it off to leave them bare alloy, Mr muscle spray on oven cleaner or a little caustic soda removes it within a min or two. Finish with a grey scotch pad for the satin alloy look.
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