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Pazzo levers
If levers could be described as sexy, they would definitely be.
Andy J:
--- Quote from: Jon177 on October 26, 2006, 10:03:47 PM ---So whats the Clutch settings like Andy?
Can you get it alot closer and still feel good?
--- End quote ---
the ctuctch can be adjusted loads, there are 6 settings I think and yes it pulls fine as the settings on the lever don't affect the cable at all, spot on , you should get some :icon_thumright:
Fitted my clutch one at Christmas and they are top for adjustment. I havent ridden it yet but should be great. :icon_thumright:
remember that crg brake lever you were alkin about the other month...... it was on ebay....
i bought it, and i love it... i even put it under my pillow at night with a gilles rearset... ilove trick parts
anyway, find me a clutch lever to match magic man..
only messin!!!!!!!!!
2 pints of heavy:
a friend of mine bought a set on saturday...220 dollars Canadian taxes included...i'm envious now :tongue3:
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