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so I managed to save the forum from distruction

what actually happen was the back end database crashed and wouldn't repair this basically meant the data i.e the word we write was not able to view, now these forums are complexes of multple tables and it was difficult to sort.

but low and behold I was able to save 95 percent of the tables and it looks like most of the information is here.

the forum has moved to a new server, this is a production virtual server which is now costing me each month.. with a minimum contract of 6 months ... I may move it back to my own server (so its cheaper) in the future..

what this does mean is that somethings may not be right on the forum links may not work as they are old links to the old forum (which is broken)

if you get any issues with broken links please do take the time to private message me or email me I will fix them as we find them...

But above all 7 years of comradeship and friendship is still here... I have met some top people here and some I see as my brothers

without getting gooey I really appreciate this forum  :icon_thumright:

Your a top bloke, well done mate I thought it had gone forever. I for 1 don't mind paying a subscription to keep the forum I don't believe you should foot the bill yourself. Even if it's on a donation basis & only a few of us cocontribute. Post your PayPal account & folks can make a donation.

Thanks fella

now to fix the damn smileys :)

Glen, been clicking every day in the hope you've sorted it. Top man, happy to contribute financially too.  :headbang:


--- Quote from: Prilla on November 20, 2014, 04:42:55 PM ---Glen, been clicking every day in the hope you've sorted it. Top man, happy to contribute financially too.  :headbang:

--- End quote ---

hey buddy , good to here from you mate  :icon_thumright: hope you are well


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