Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all
New Kawasaki bike for 2015
If it is indeed the supercharged 1000cc motor I wonder who'll be the first the try and shoe-horn one into a ZX10R chassis :tongue3:
--- Quote from: NinjaPaul on September 02, 2014, 07:58:51 PM ---If it is indeed the supercharged 1000cc motor I wonder who'll be the first the try and shoe-horn one into a ZX10R chassis :tongue3:
--- End quote ---
:tongue3: :tongue3:
There's a feature in today's MCN they claim its going to be new model neither ZX10 or ZZR14
The next 'video' just has audio of the engine going through the gears with some chirping noises. A pretty big indication that this is the supercharged bike they've been talking about.
Could it be a 750cc????? H2 could be a clue or a false trail............
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