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Interesting article about ramair effects


I came across the following page when I was doing some research on how the 10 adjusts fuelling for the ramair effect (speed sensor output as it happens), it's a rather old article but might be interesting to someone:

Interesting article, and gives some indication of the bhp gains to be expected from ram air.  I am surprised that modern dynos have not been modified to simulate it as the number of bikes with ram air is significant, and without simulating the effect, I would think all fuel maps will be off above 100mph.  Given the additional speed of the ZX10R over the ZX9R and the corresponding increase in airbox pressure, we should be looking at 10-15bhp gains at the top end. 

Going off at a slight tangent, I knew Steve Burns back in the 80's through drag racing

I think these modern FI bikes already adjust for ramair effect by using the speed sensor data by the ECU from the factory, so it's already taking it into account. I imagine therefore if you map in a still dyno room it should still be fine at speed, and the tuners see the added cost of a wind tunnel or similar as unjustifiable cost!

The factorys of course can afford the extra equipment and/or very clever people to do the calculations.

Just sellotape a shit load of hair dryers on the front of the bike when doing a dyno run.  :tongue3:

Sorted  :icon_thumleft:


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