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Nuddy's 98 R1 Trackbike
If your going to Donnington on Friday 25th May, you'll find me a bit easier :-S
Andy J:
very nice looking R1 there :icon_thumright:
Will cu you Friday then, u'll hear me coming........................
Cheers Andyj
I brought it off a friend who brought it 2 years ago off ebay :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:, he needed to sell it so i ended up with it for a grand [rofl] [rofl] [rofl] blooming bargain!!!
After several hundred quid and some time in my dads workshop job done !!! :icon_thumleft: !!!- ps thats the old mans company on the side as a good will gesture :iamwithstupid:
The 10 is the best but a 98 R1 come close second
See you u Friday
nice bike you lucky git :icon_thumright:
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