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Do you lay your bike to rest over the winter....?

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Andy J:

--- Quote from: CTD on October 25, 2006, 12:21:55 AM ---i use my bike every day through out the year, rain shine snow and salt BUT this year ive gone and bought a KTM 660 SMC :lol: so this year the zx10 can stay nice and clean and i'll ride the KTM in all the shite weather

--- End quote ---

let see some pics of the orange beastie  :occasion14:

this is the day i got it, now has graphics and an Akroprovic can :shock: much better

What a gorgeous bike  B-)

That looks much much much cooler than my run around   :-/

that KTM is gorgeous....

I want it  :cry:

Andy J:
I can see Rossi's ER5 but no KTM, arggggggghhhh and I'm on a different computer . I think Glenn hides nice bikes from me to protect me from the power of buying bikes  :whip2:


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