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Fat bar conversion

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My new 2010 ZX10R with an ABM fat bar conversion fitted

Relocated steering damper

Neat conversion  :icon_thumleft:

Did I detect a steering damper lurking somewhere down there?

nice one mate, have a pony for ya help



--- Quote from: Jak on December 07, 2013, 09:55:24 AM ---Neat conversion  :icon_thumleft:

Did I detect a steering damper lurking somewhere down there?

--- End quote ---

Yes the steering damper has to be relocated to below the ram air intake in front of the bottom yoke.  Unfortunately, whilst the OEM Ohlins unit will fit the slightly fatter and longer Hyperpro RSC unit that I had bought won't fit in the space, so I am having to sell that.  Other than that, the kit is great.

it is different are you getting a bigger screen?


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