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Its a 10 Jim but not as we know it . . . .

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Kaos Theory:

--- Quote from: k3nny on November 12, 2013, 08:45:40 PM ---Doesn't work for me, appreciate the vision behind it and the balls to try it, but it just looks odd

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Pretty much this!


--- Quote from: NinjaPaul on November 12, 2013, 07:49:14 PM ---I don't mind the concept of it, but it looks very cobbled together and very unfinished.

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I indirectly know the owner through the Racefit lads and it's defiantly not cobbled together, he has put a lot off work into this.

Ok let me rephrase things slightly. I can fully appreciate there will be 'hidden' work making things fit, and that work would be technical and quite time consuming, I don't doubt that. Now I don't know if the bike is finished as it is seen here, or if there is more work to be done. My opinion/assumption is that it is unfinished (I fully accept its an assumption and could well be wrong). Perhaps the owner is more than happy with it as it stands, in which case good for him and may he have many happy trouble free miles riding ahead.

In my view, the whole thing would look better if the frame is stripped like the swingarm, and the tank is painted to match with the bodywork. Again that is only my view and in the greater scheme of things doesn't matter a jot. I'm not having a dig at the workmanship that's been carried out but at the moment to me at least, it looks mismatched.


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