Gallery > Modification Gallery

brembos and ohlins shock

<< < (3/4) > >>

Like it mate lol,

Mines in the conservatory till next year as well,  [rofl]

nice one... :occasion14:  i always like to see bike in the missus took some smooth talking round befor i was aloud  :hello2:  only if its to cold to work on it outside

Nice looking bit of kit bud,
I could just see my wifes face now, her coming home from
work and my bikes in the dining room :boxing:
Fair play

Looks good guys and great piece of art for the dining room  :icon_thumright:

A quick heads up which might be worth double checking if not done already. Check the bike is insured for theft if kept in the house and I mean check the bike policy not the home contents policy.

I looked into this myself and my current insurer would not cover me for theft if the bike was kept in the house. Mental and doesn't make any sense I know as surely its more secure but that's the position my insurance company took and I wouldn't like anyone to have a bike taken and find a nasty surprise that their not covered on their insurance.

She's a beauty,really like your garage too.


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